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                    All about internet business, and how to win money from that !

         Voice over Internet Protocol, also called VoIP, IP Telephony, Internet telephony,Broadband telephony, Broadband Phone and Voice over Broadband is the routring conversation

         over the internet or through any other IP-based network, personal computer,register a domain,forex



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What you will learn on this web site:

  Welcome to the home of the Internet Optimization Network, or ION, for short. This website offers webmasters everywhere a complete solution for all of their web site traffic marketing needs, complete with freeware SEO tools and step-by-step instructions, all for free. Yes, there is nothing to buy here, no catch, not even an email newsletter to sign up for first... Just everything you need to learn about and execute your own personalized web site traffic marketing campaign, from start to finish. With our 100-step program designed to train you how the system works as you use it, your website can score the very top spot in any search engine, as long as you put in the time to follow the steps. Simply following along the completely-broken-down directions and you'll notice Improved Search Engine Rankings in few days.

      Some of you are surely thinking that there is either a catch, or we don't know what we are talking about. I don't blame you. This website is offering the knowledge and tools to rival a professional Search Engine Optimization firm to you, and all for free. With no catches, promising huge results... Why should you believe it? Because you can see it all for yourself right here, within SECONDS. Simply click on the "instructions" button to the top left to see all of our 100 steps, fully explained, with links to the free tool downloads right in-line where you need them. Print them all out for later use if you'd like! Still skeptical? Click that "SEO Tools" button too, to see the vast array of free tools, divided into categories, reveiwed for your individual needs, all ready to download with only one more single click.

      Wondering if we really know what we are talking about? Try clicking on the "SEO Library" button as well, and you will see that we have not only 'read up' on our subject, but are literally 'writing the book' on Search Engine Optimization. In fact, it is our goal to literally make these three small sections of the web The Authority on Search Engine Optimization and web site traffic marketing in general.

      It's all here: your complete, customized traffic strategy with individual, fool-proof steps and free tools. Your website's future depends on it, and it won't ever cost you a single penny. We have nothing on the whole website to sell you, we do not take credit cards or checks at all, and there are no sign-ups for annoying newsletters, either. Just free training and tools that will raise your site to the top of your industry with nothing more than an internet connection and a reasonable amount of your time. If you are curious about us and our motives, you can read how we started our web site optimization firm in detail on our About ION page. If you're ready to get started now though, read on!


      Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of making a web site more easily and frequently found in the results pages of some or all Search Engines, especially major ones such as Google, Yahoo!, AOL, Altavista, and MSN. The entire business world of marketing has evolved in a way that allows your website to draw more relevant interest than any TV commercials or Magazine ads ever could. Nowadays, as more and more people are using the internet to search for the products and services they want, more websites owners are realizing how important it is to compete for the top few spots in Search Engine results. That's called TARGETED traffic, made up of people who are already looking for your products or organization, and having an established Search Engine tell them that YOUR site is what they are looking for is the best kind of marketing that will ever exist. Every step of our process is designed to bring you that targeted traffic, utilizing all the free tools we've ever heard of in order to get the search engines to point to YOUR SITE, not the competition's.

      Unlike most other SEO advice you will find out there, we don't simply reccommend some on-page tweaking of your keywords to make your site more 'search-engine friendly.' Nor will we simply tell you that you need some Meta Tags, or a robots.txt file. No, we're not going to tell you that all you need is an agressive recipricol link campaign, either. How about: "All you need is Pay-per-click..." Not! Any SEO advice you hear along those lines is simply ignoring the majority of the techniques you can use to get your site popular. ION will show you ALL your options, as we believe in covering every base and letting you decide what works best for your site's traffic.

      We not only tell you how to do all of those SEO tasks, but they are only a few of the ONE HUNDRED steps of in our web site traffic marketing campaign instructions. Every easy-to-follow step is explained in detail so that you not only get it done, but you learn to understand what you are doing and get a real feel for the way the web works. Is all of our web jargon getting to thick? Most SEO terms we use are already in the SEO Library, with layman's explanations. It's actually a very useful resource when you are starting out in traffic marketing. Best of all, many of those 100 steps come with free SEO software tools to download in order to facilitate the job. You simply cannot go wrong.

      So, how to get started? It's very easy. Just click on the Instructions button above and to the left to start reading. In no time at all you will get a strong understanding of professional-strength web site traffic marketing, and you'll find that it is information you will be likely to use again and again for the rest of your life. From finding the best keywords to use, to getting tons of quality incoming-links to your site, we make it all fast and painless. So what are you waiting for? Get started now!

Nu exista o metoda sigura, general valabila, prin care se poate castiga la bursa, iar orice investitor ar trebui sa incerce sa-si construiasca un set propriu de reguli pe care, cu trecerea timpului, sa le perfectioneze. Acest set de reguli va necesita cateva cunostinte de baza despre finante, economie, matematica, psihologie si contabilitate, combinate intr-o proportie care se potriveste investitorul respectiv.

Primul pas pe care un investitor trebuie sa-l faca in administrarea portofoliului sau este gasirea unei rate de castig la care trebuie sa se raporteze: un exemplu de astfel de rata este indicele BET al celor mai lichide companii listate la Bursa de Valori. Ne putem multumi cu castigul adus de aceste companii construindu-ne portofoliul dupa structura indicelui, sau putem incerca, fara mare efort dar cu multa rigoare, sa depasim performantele indicelui: desi pare simplu, statistic numai aproximativ 20% din investitori reusesc sa se plaseze peste aceasta performanta.� Modalitatea prin care se poate depasi performanta indicelui presupune mai multi pasi:

In primul rand, portofoliul trebuie impartit in cateva parti egale (macar 4), fiecare parte avand caracteristici diferite: fie reprezinta un sector anume al economiei, fie cuprinde anumite firme cu caracteristici esentiale comune. De exemplu, putem construi un portofoliu care sa cuprinda un sfert societati financiare si banci, un sfert companii din industria petrolului, un sfert din industria farmaceutica si un sfert format din companii ce activeaza in industria alimentara. Sau putem imparti portofoliul 25% in companii cu o evolutie ciclica cum sunt companiile ce au legatura cu industria automobilelor, a aparatelor casnice sau constructii, 25% in companie cu o evolutie neciclica cum sunt cele din industri alimentara sau farmaceutica, 25% in companii sensibile la schimbari a ratei dobanzii cum sunt bancile, societatile financiare si cele de utilitati si 25% in cele care se comporta bine in mediu inflationist, cum sunt cele care activeaza in industri petrolului, metale sau imobiliare. Impartind in felul acesta un portofoliu nu vei reusi sa elimini riscul sistematic si intotdeauna rata de crestere economica a tarii sau rata dobanzii va afecta castigul, dar o evolutie proasta a unei actiuni sau chiar a unui sector nu va mai avea un impact semnificativ asupra portofoliului.

Urmatorul pas consta in impartirea sumei de bani alocata pentru un anumit sector sau grup de companii in mod egal intre acestea. Daca am stabilit anterior ca diversificarea este importanta, realizarea acesteia va fi realizata nu doar prin cumpararea actiunilor apartinand multor companii, ci mai ales prin alocarea unei sume egale de bani pentru fiecare actiune in parte.

Al treilea pas consta in alegerea efectiva a actiunilor ce urmeaza sa faca parte din portofoliu. Pe cat posibil, acestea trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii: sa fi fost pana atunci negllijate de piata, sa aiba un pret pe valoarea contabila (P/BV) sau pret pe profit pe actiune (PER) scazut, sa nu aiba datorii mari si sa aiba cativa ani de cand este prezenta pe bursa cu raportari financiare cat mai constante.

Al patrulea pas presupune identificarea momentului oportun de intrare si iesire de pe piata. Exista situatii in care pastrarea banilor la banca fara a-I investi constituie de fapt cea mai buna investitie, si perioade ale anului in care in general bursa creste accentuat � cum este luna ianuarie, sau are deobicei o evolutie slaba, cum se intampla in lunile septembrie si octombrie. Desi aceste evolutii nu sunt intotdeauna atat de predictibile, exista o tendinta de a se repeta la intervale regulate, iar economia are perioade de crestere si declin ce se repeta la o perioada de aproximativ 4 ani.

In sfarsit, fiecare actiune trebuie reevaluata la intervale regulate, dar fiind o modalitatea de investitie pe termen lung, analiza poate fi facuta si o data la fiecare trei luni sau chiar mai rar. Atata timp cat circumstantele nu se schimba in mod dramatic, o actiune poate fi tinuta cel putin un an, pana la 4, 5 sau chiar mai mult. In momentul in care o companie nu mai respecta criteriul de selectie initial, va fi inlocuita cu alta, aflata pe o lista cu posibili candidati construita din timp.

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Get An Internet Domain

You can register your own domain name, and if you wish set up your own Internet site. Several options for obtaining your own domain name are listed below:

· Buy a domain. You can buy or "register" a domain from one of the accredited domain name registrars, which gives you complete control over its use. If you want to set up the domain on your own computer, then you need to identify two name servers, and have a reasonable amount of technical know-how. However, many registrars will also park your domain on their hosts and give you a few web pages for free until you find a web hosting service.

· Free domains. The following search queries list sites that provide information about free domain names. These are usually third-level domains on established second-level domains. However, these services usually have some restrictions, such as being only usable for web hosting and email, or the need for four levels if you want to add a "www" prefix, which looks funny:

· Google search

· Yahoo search

· Country domains. If you want to register a domain in one of the country top-level domains, such as ".us" for the United States, ".ca" for Canada, or ".uk" for Britain, you need to visit one of the country domain name registrars.

· U.S. government. To register a domain in the US Government top-level domain ".gov", visit the US Government registration site.

· U.S. military. To register a domain in the US Military top-level domain ".mil" (assuming you have the appropriate authorization), visit the DoD registration site.